Sunday, February 14, 2021

The New Beginning Part 7

 Part 7 is my final post of my blog series on Matt Hutcheson and my new book, The New Beginning. This book is written as a business novel and is a sequel to my last book, The Secret to Maximizing Profitability.

In Chapter 21, entitled The End of the New Beginning, as Tom was driving home from Detroit, he began thinking about the offer the Chairman of the Board, Jonathan Briggs, had made to him about a new consulting agreement based upon helping them select future companies to purchase.  Since Tom was a huge fan of the TV show, Shark Tank, you can only imagine what he would offer the Board as his payment structure.  Prior to his trip to Chicago to present the latest performance metrics, Tom had an on-line meeting with each of the four portfolio companies to get an update on what they had implemented, and the results achieved.  In this chapter Tom also requests and receives updates from all six hospital leaders and has a meeting to hear about them.  The results presented were very good.  He then flies to Chicago to meet with the Board of Directors and present the latest metrics.  The results were astounding to the Board and needless to say, they were very happy.  They were so happy, that they offered to meet Tom’s proposed payment structure for assisting the Board on new purchases, which surprised Tom.  But what surprised Tom even more, was an announcement his wife made to him on the phone.

In Chapter 22, entitled The Virus, as Tom is excited about all of the great things happening around him, he learns about a new virus called the Corona Virus, or COVID-19, which is spreading rapidly across the globe. Tom researches the virus to find testing is a major issue in helping with the slow of the spread. His wife Beverly is also not feeling well and decides to see a doctor, since she is experiencing symptoms of this new virus. Tom decides to contact Chairman of the Board, Jonathan Briggs to see if he had any contacts out in the field where the virus was starting to spread. Jonathan provides contact information for two doctors who are directly in the hot spots. Tom learns that along with testing for the virus, the shortages on ventilators to treat patients and masks to help protect against the spread had major issues with availability. He reaches out to two suppliers of these very important items to offer his free consulting services.  

Chapter 23, entitled The Webinar, begins with Tom presenting a webinar on the Theory of Constraints to Jefferson Ventilators and The Mask Makers. After presenting and implementing, both companies see an immediate increase (triple the rate) in production to the point of parts shortages effecting availability. Tom then presents how the TOC’s Parts Replenishment Solution can help resolve this issue.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog post series and we both hope you enjoy reading our new book when it's released on March 5th.  My next post will be on a completely new subject.

Bob Sproull

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